Hi, I'm Jenny Chan, a freelance backend developer with experience in Wordpress and custom API integrations.
What this means is that I can help you bend your tech systems to your will!

Do you want to...

  • Have a custom Wordpress plugin?
  • Build your own MVP web app?
  • Integrate your website with third party services?
  • Eliminate your repetitive tasks or tie two online services together with custom scripts?

If yes, let's talk!

About Me

I have 3 years of work experience as a developer, 2 of which I worked remotely. I also have experience in digital marketing.

Now I'm running my community / blog for female developers (Women in Web Dev), I understand the challenges of being an online business owner.

If you're looking for a developer who can relate to your struggles and business needs, I'm the gal for you!

I'm familiar with these technologies:

  • PHP / Wordpress - Gravity Forms, Advanced Custom Fields, Custom Plugins
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Python
  • SQL databases